Modo docs Help

Android Integrations

Modo provides Android integrations with ViewModel and Lifecycle support through LocalLifecycleOwner, LocalViewModelStoreOwner, and LocalSavedStateRegistryOwner. This allows you to use functions like viewModel to obtain Android ViewModel.


Since Modo provides Lifecycle support, let's take a look at what specific lifecycle events mean in the context of Screen Lifecycle:

  • Lifecycle.Event.ON_CREATE - called once per screen when the screen is created.

  • Lifecycle.Event.ON_START and Lifecycle.Event.ON_RESUME - dispatched when Screen.Content is composed for the first time.

  • Lifecycle.Event.ON_PAUSE and Lifecycle.Event.ON_STOP - dispatched when Screen.Content leaves the composition.

  • Lifecycle.Event.ON_DESTROY - called once per screen when it is removed from the navigation graph.

For correctly handling Lifecycle.Event from your Screen.Content, we recommend using the built-in screen effects. The LifecycleScreenEffect is a convenient way to subscribe to a screen's Lifecycle.

LifecycleScreenEffect { LifecycleEventObserver { _, event -> logcat { "Lifecycle event $event." } } }


You can use functions provided by Jetpack Compose to get a ViewModel.

Last modified: 12 June 2024