Modo docs Help

Quick Start Guide

Here's the improved version of your documentation text:

  • From this tutorial, you will learn how to start using Modo. You will learn how to:

    • Create a Screen and integrate it into an activity

    • Perform basic navigation operations

    • Pass arguments to screens

    • Customize StackScreen animation and content

    At the end of this tutorial, you will have a simple application with a single screen and basic navigation.

  • Final result

Before You Start

Make sure that:

  • You have Android Studio and the Android SDK installed

  • You know the basics of Android development, such as creating activities and fragments, and can launch an application.

Build Your First Modo Application with a Single Screen

Setup Dependencies

In your module-level build.gradle(.kts) file, add the Modo Compose dependency:

dependencies { implementation("com.github.terrakok:modo-compose:0.9.0-rc1") }

Create Your First Screen

To display UI using Modo, you need to create a Screen implementation. Let's create a simple QuickStartScreen and implement it step-by-step:

  1. Create a new Kotlin file QuickStartScreen.kt:

    // TODO: provide Parcelable implementation class QuickStartScreen( // TODO: implement screenKey ) : Screen { @Composable override fun Content(modifier: Modifier) { // TODO: implement your UI } }
  2. Override the Content function to provide the UI for your screen. Don't forget to use modifier in your root element:

    @Composable override fun Content(modifier: Modifier) { Box(modifier = modifier) { Text( text = "Hello, Modo!", modifier = Modifier.align(Alignment.Center) ) } }
  3. Implement the Parcelable interface for your Screen. It's needed to support saving and restoring the screen's structure. You can easily do it by using the parcelable gradle plugin and the @Parcelize annotation:

    @Parcelize class QuickStartScreen( ... ) : Screen { ... }
  4. Implement the screenKey property using the generateScreenKey() function. It's crucial to use this function because it generates a unique key for each screen:

    @Parcelize class QuickStartScreen( // You need to generate a unique screen key using a special function override val screenKey: ScreenKey = generateScreenKey() ) : Screen { ... }

Complete code:

@Parcelize class QuickStartScreen( override val screenKey: ScreenKey = generateScreenKey() ) : Screen { @Composable override fun Content(modifier: Modifier) { Box(modifier = modifier) { Text( text = "Hello, Modo!", modifier = Modifier.align(Alignment.Center) ) } } }

Integrate the Screen into the Activity

Now that we've created QuickStartScreen, let's integrate it into an activity.

  1. Create a new activity QuickStartActivity and add the following code:

    class QuickStartActivity : AppCompatActivity() { override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) setContent { // TODO: integrate screen } } }
  2. Integrate the QuickStartScreen into the activity. To do so, use the rememberRootScreen function to create a root screen that will manage navigation:

    setContent { val rootScreen = rememberRootScreen { QuickStartScreen() } // TODO: display the root screen }
  3. Display the root screen using the Content function of the root screen:

    setContent { val rootScreen = rememberRootScreen { QuickStartScreen() } // Pass fillMaxSize modifier to display it in full screen rootScreen.Content(Modifier.fillMaxSize()) }

Complete code:

class QuickStartActivity : AppCompatActivity() { override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) setContent { val rootScreen = rememberRootScreen { QuickStartScreen() } rootScreen.Content(modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize()) } } }

Run the Application!


Perform Basic Navigation Operations

To perform navigation, let's use a StackScreen. It's a container screen that can contain multiple child screens and renders the top one.

  1. Use the DefaultStackScreen in your activity:

    setContent { val rootScreen = rememberRootScreen { DefaultStackScreen( // Use StackNavModel to define the initial screen StackNavModel( QuickStartScreen() ) ) } rootScreen.Content(modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize()) }
  2. Let's create QuickStartScreenContent, with a title and a button that will navigate to another screen:

    @Composable private fun QuickStartScreenContent( modifier: Modifier, openNextScreen: () -> Unit, ) { Column( modifier = modifier, verticalArrangement = Arrangement.Center, horizontalAlignment = Alignment.CenterHorizontally ) { Text(text = "Hello, Modo!") Button( onClick = openNextScreen ) { Text(text = "Next screen") } } }
  3. To navigate to the next screen, we need to retrieve the StackNavContainer. You can get the nearest StackNavContainer from the Content function using the LocalStackNavigation composition local. In our case, it's going to be DefaultStackScreen that we defined earlier:

    @Composable override fun Content(modifier: Modifier) { val stackNavigation = LocalStackNavigation.current QuickStartScreenContent( modifier = modifier, openNextScreen = { // TODO: navigate using stackNavigation }, ) }
  4. To navigate to the next screen, use the forward function of the StackNavContainer and pass a new screen to it:

    QuickStartScreenContent( modifier = modifier, openNextScreen = { stackNavigation.forward(QuickStartScreen()) }, )
  5. Launch the application and check the result! Try to navigate to the next screen by clicking the button and navigate back using the back button.

Complete code:

@Parcelize class QuickStartScreen( override val screenKey: ScreenKey = generateScreenKey() ) : Screen { @Composable override fun Content(modifier: Modifier) { val stackNavigation = LocalStackNavigation.current QuickStartScreenContent( modifier = modifier, openNextScreen = { stackNavigation.forward(QuickStartScreen()) }, ) } } @Composable private fun QuickStartScreenContent( modifier: Modifier, openNextScreen: () -> Unit, ) { Column( modifier = modifier, verticalArrangement = Arrangement.Center, horizontalAlignment = Alignment.CenterHorizontally ) { Text(text = "Hello, Modo!") Button( onClick = openNextScreen ) { Text(text = "Next screen") } } }
class QuickStartActivity : AppCompatActivity() { override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) setContent { // Remember root screen using rememberSaveable under the hood. val rootScreen = rememberRootScreen { DefaultStackScreen(StackNavModel(QuickStartScreen())) } rootScreen.Content(modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize()) } } }

Pass Arguments to Screens

To pass arguments to the screen, you can use the constructor argument.

  1. Let's add a screen index to the QuickStartScreen:

    @Parcelize class QuickStartScreen( private val screenIndex: Int, override val screenKey: ScreenKey = generateScreenKey() ) : Screen { ... }
  2. Use the screenIndex argument in the Content function to display it:

    @Composable override fun Content(modifier: Modifier) { val stackNavigation = LocalStackNavigation.current QuickStartScreenContent( modifier = modifier, screenIndex = screenIndex, openNextScreen = { stackNavigation.forward(QuickStartScreen(screenIndex + 1)) }, ) }
  3. Use the screenIndex in the QuickStartScreenContent:

    @Composable private fun QuickStartScreenContent( modifier: Modifier, screenIndex: Int, openNextScreen: () -> Unit, ) { Column( modifier = modifier, verticalArrangement = Arrangement.Center, horizontalAlignment = Alignment.CenterHorizontally ) { Text(text = "Hello, Modo! Screen №$screenIndex") Button( onClick = openNextScreen ) { Text(text = "Next screen") } } }

Customize StackScreen Animation and Content

Before, we used the built-in DefaultStackScreen that implements StackScreen and provides default animation and content. Let's take DefaultStackScreen as a starting point and customize it.

Create a Custom StackScreen

Copy the DefaultStackScreen implementation and change its name to QuickStartStackScreen:

@Parcelize class QuickStartStackScreen( private val navModel: StackNavModel ) : StackScreen(navModel) { @Composable override fun Content(modifier: Modifier) { TopScreenContent(modifier) { modifier -> ScreenTransition(modifier) } } }

Everything is quite similar to declaring a Screen. Let's look at the differences:

  • private val navModel: StackNavModel in the constructor is used to store and update the state of the navigation. Declaring it as a constructor parameter allows it to be saved and restored using the @Parcelize annotation. Don't forget to pass it to the StackScreen's constructor.

  • TopScreenContent(modifier) is used to render the last screen in the stack.

  • ScreenTransition(modifier) inside TopScreenContent is used to animate the transition between screens.

Custom Animation

  1. Let's customize the animation a little bit. You can do it by passing transitionSpec as a ScreenTransition parameter:

    ScreenTransition( modifier = modifier, transitionSpec = {
  2. Inside the transitionSpec lambda, we have access to the ComposeRendererScope that contains the old and new states. Let's use the built-in calculateStackTransitionType to determine the StackTransitionType:

    transitionSpec = { val screenTransitionType = calculateStackTransitionType()
  3. Now we can use StackTransitionType to define the animation. Let's use slideInHorizontally and slideOutHorizontally with different parameters for the forward and back transitions:

    val screenTransitionType = calculateStackTransitionType() when (screenTransitionType) { StackTransitionType.Push -> { slideInHorizontally(initialOffsetX = { it }) togetherWith slideOutHorizontally(targetOffsetX = { -it }) } StackTransitionType.Pop -> { slideInHorizontally(initialOffsetX = { -it }) togetherWith slideOutHorizontally(targetOffsetX = { it }) } StackTransitionType.Replace, StackTransitionType.Idle -> fadeIn() togetherWith fadeOut() } }

Customize QuickStartStackScreen Content

You can customize Content as a regular composable function. Let's modify QuickStartStackScreen. Draw the background and make screens render with rounded corners:

  1. You can pass a modifier to the TopScreenContent function to change it:

    TopScreenContent( Modifier .background(Color.Cyan) .padding(16.dp) .clip(shape = RoundedCornerShape(32.dp)) .fillMaxSize() .background(Color.White) ) { screenModifier -> }
  2. You can also put the TopScreenContent inside another container to customize it. Let's put it inside a Box and add buttons to close the activity:

    Box(modifier = modifier) { TopScreenContent( ) { screenModifier -> } val context = LocalContext.current IconButton( modifier = Modifier .align(Alignment.TopEnd) .padding(8.dp) .clip(CircleShape) .background(Color.White), onClick = { context.getActivity()?.finish() } ) { Icon( painter = rememberVectorPainter(image = Icons.Default.Close), contentDescription = "Close quick start activity" ) } }

Complete code:

@Parcelize class QuickStartStackScreen( private val navModel: StackNavModel ) : StackScreen(navModel) { @Composable override fun Content(modifier: Modifier) { Box(modifier = modifier) { TopScreenContent( Modifier .background(Color.Cyan) .padding(16.dp) .clip(shape = RoundedCornerShape(32.dp)) .fillMaxSize() .background(Color.White) ) { screenModifier -> ScreenTransition( modifier = screenModifier, transitionSpec = { val screenTransitionType = calculateStackTransitionType() when (screenTransitionType) { StackTransitionType.Push -> { slideInHorizontally(initialOffsetX = { it }) togetherWith slideOutHorizontally(targetOffsetX = { -it }) } StackTransitionType.Pop -> { slideInHorizontally(initialOffsetX = { -it }) togetherWith slideOutHorizontally(targetOffsetX = { it }) } StackTransitionType.Replace, StackTransitionType.Idle -> fadeIn() togetherWith fadeOut() } } ) } val context = LocalContext.current IconButton( modifier = Modifier .align(Alignment.TopEnd) .padding(8.dp) .clip(CircleShape) .background(Color.White), onClick = { context.getActivity()?.finish() } ) { Icon( painter = rememberVectorPainter(image = Icons.Default.Close), contentDescription = "Close quick start activity" ) } } } }

What You've Learned

From this tutorial, you've learned how to build a simple application with Modo and customize it for your needs. For further learning, you can explore the Sample app.

Last modified: 12 June 2024